Thyroid and breast cancer

I support clients with:

  • Thyroid cancer
  • Breast cancer

Alongside my qualifications in Naturopathy, I have completed additional training in Cancer and Integrative Oncology with the Peat Institute and enrolled in their mentorship programme. This ensures that I keep up to date with the latest research, I also have the support of Patricia Peat who has many years of experience of supporting clients with cancer

I use an eclectic blend of classical, traditional naturopathy techniques, combined with a modern Functional Medicine approach in my practice. My focus is always on the causes of imbalance and is person-centred, rather than disease management.

I use nutraceuticals, herbs, and homeopathy, often informed by targeted Functional testing (further information available upon request).

I work aside your medical professional to support your cancer treatment and chemotherapy, by supporting the residual symptoms of medical treatment protocols.

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